Wednesday, 19 September 2012


There's a lot going on at our place and in Montreal so here's a little update...

Firstly, the new provincial government has just been sworn in but due to the fact they don't have a majority some of their crazier policies probably won't get up.  For example, banning French speaking students from attending English speaking junior colleges (they're already banned from English primary and secondary schools...).  

Another major topic of conversation is the NHL lockout.  The professional hockey players and the administrators are squabbling over how to divvy up the $3.3 billion revenue cheque.  The players have been locked out from training and all events and the season is in limbo until they come to an agreement. The two parties haven't sat down together in over a week so it's not looking good.  The lockout is already having an impact with some clubs having to lay off staff and cut back on others.  Restaurants, bars and souvenir shops which rely on the business that comes with the season are also feeling the pinch.

Canada without ice hockey is like Canada without maple syrup.  Hockey is a religion here - there really is no other sport and they play several times a week.  I wonder how people will fill the void?

On the home front here's a little of what Baby A has been up to.

While he's not walking yet, he can stand unassisted and does try to take a step from time to time.  He has gone from eating whatever you put in front of him to only eating yellow food!  Very frustrating!  He also thinks he's at least three years old and so doesn't play with baby toys but wants anything that belongs to someone else.  Finally, not only is Baby A confused about his age, he also thinks he's a koala and should be attached to my hip for 95% of the day (maybe this has something to do with the not walking...).

Luckily for him, he's super cute and keeps us all entertained!


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