Monday 12 December 2011


On Saturday afternoon we said goodbye to many friends.  It was fun to see everyone, especially those we haven't seen in a while.  Thank you everyone for coming along - we really appreciated it.  The native animals were certainly a hit with the kids.

Having to say goodbye to everyone made me think about some of the things that I'll miss the most while we're away.  (Besides family of course and in no particular order).
  • Paris - saying goodbye to two cats in one year is too much to bear
  • Tuesday mornings with Danielle and her girls
  • Playgroup - the most amazing group of mums and kids.  We certainly got lucky there!
  • Waking up to this view every morning

  • Friday afternoons with Mel at IKEA
Tears have been shed and now it's time to look forward to our new adventure...

    1 comment:

    1. Oh no I will miss Fridays at Ikea too! Who's going to dip their popcorn in my gravy?? :) Made me cry just thinking about it, bloody hormones in overdrive!!!! xoxoxoxo Mel
