Friday 16 December 2011


We've really enjoyed staying at Scarborough.  It was great to get away from the house while it was being packed up and now that's done it feels like we're on holidays!  The kids are loving swimming in the pool and heading down to the beach.  I'm really enjoying watching the sunset every night.  Tonight there were kite surfers - it's amazing how many different ways people use the beach.  Living a 10 minute drive from the beach is definitely something I'll miss!

Fanta Pants and the kids went to check out some different lights tonight.

Friends of ours have done an amazing job decorating the front of their house with Christmas lights complete with music.  Dressed in their pjs the big kids had a great time dancing and checking it all out.  Not only is it fun, it's also a fundraiser for PMH.  Nice work Bullens!


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