Saturday 14 January 2012

Brrr, it's cold!

I know, another weather report but the cold here is really cold!  Today was -18 and the windchill was -27! We're still trying to set the house up and so had a long list of things to buy so braved the cold to go shopping.  Even with all our warm jackets and boots it was still very cold outside.  The car was so covered in snow and ice that one of the sliding doors on the minivan wouldn't open!!!  Despite all this coldness there were people everywhere - running, walking, shopping etc.  The only thing I didn't see was kids playing or babies in prams.  I've read that you shouldn't really play out when it's less than -25...

When all the snow falls the roads and driveways get covered but the Canadians are very prepared.  An army of snow blowing tractors appears and clears it all away.  The main roads and footpaths are cleared by the council and many people employ someone to clear their driveways.  So everyone knows which contractor needs to clear which driveway, there are big coloured markers at the beginning of the driveway.  It seems that when it's snowing the tractors just drive around blowing snow making driving easier!  If you're wondering what these guys do when it's not snowing, they mow the lawns!

Even though it was super cold today the sun was out all day and this is the sun rising over the lake melting the ice on the window.

View from our bedroom window

Everyone knows that Action Boy has always been a very early riser but we've had a week of sleep-ins.  I don't know if it's the late sunrises, lack of kookaburras, separate bedrooms for the kids or just massive tiredness but we're enjoying sleeping in while it lasts.



  1. Hi darl,
    So good to catch up with your news!! I tried posting a comment 3 times the other night and gave up so let's see if this one happy to hear you arrived safely and are settling in.

    It is so hard to believe it's so cold there and we're are spending days in the pool and with the air con on...the kids seems to be adjusting to the weather changes so well.

    OK, off to fold clothese so hope to talk soon on skype. Take care and we want photos of the house! Enjoy the sleep ins,

  2. Good to hear from you Sim!!

    We really are at the other end of the earth! It was only a week ago but hot weather seems like forever ago. Hope you can keep cool!

