Monday 9 January 2012

We're here!!!

So we're finally here! We are still getting set up so dont have internet at home so I'm sitting at the local Maccas using their free wifi. Unfortunately it won't alert me upload any photos!!! So the plane to LA finally took off and we got to LA to find our next flight was delayed.... Anyways the a380 is lots of fun to fly, especially in business class. We all had fun playing with our beds and watching lots of movies and Action Boy had so much fun playing a robot game he had to take photos of it!! The Air Canada flight was not nearly as flash but it got us there in the end. Overall and despite the delays the trip was OK - it was very tiring but the kids managed quite well (except in the Maple Leaf Lounge when Little Miss D was being so wacky the lady at the desk asked if she was drunk or just really tired!!). Poor Baby A had the hardest time and seems to forgotten that he sleeps all night long! His cicadian rythm is way out of whack. Fingers crossed he figures it out tonight. The new house is great, warm and spacious! Everyone seems happy with their new rooms (except Baby A). There is plenty of snow on the ground and it keeps falling. The kids have had fun playing in it and Action Boy learnt an important lesson about putting your face directly in the snow - it hurts and even burns! I don't think he'll be doing that again. Action Boy will start school on Wednesday which he is really looking forward to and Nick will probably go into work on Thursday so our new life will be starting. Lots more to write about - some crazy stuff here eg, out of control waiting times to see a family doctor, abundant water, extended shopping hours. Will be back soon with photos. Tomorrow we're off to get social security and Medicare cards and if it's like the queues at immigration and the medical clinic I think we'll be in for a LONG day. It appears Canadians enjoy queuing. They must be used to it because they come prepared for it with food and entertainment. More on that later!?!? xx

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