Wednesday 4 July 2012

Celine Dion

I have been a proud Celine Dion fan from way back - especially the French stuff.  I'm even prone to subjecting my family to it from time to time.  She is one of Quebec's biggest exports and there has been a bit of talk about her at the moment as she's releasing two albums later in the year.  Even on the CBC radio this morning the presenters were discussing that no one actually admits to being a Celine Dion fan but she sells millions of records and has a sell out show in Las Vegas.  Everyone is obviously listening in the closet...

When CD tours with these new albums I'll be a noddy going to the concert alone (unless I can convince someone to admit to liking her enough to buy a ticket!).  She's known for putting on a good show and I'm sure she'd go all out in her home town.

For those of you interested, this is the new French single... I think it's lovely!


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