Monday 23 July 2012

Disneyland Paris

Where else in Paris do you take a little boy for his 6th birthday?  Well it's not a museum or a chateau but Disneyland!!!

It was a busy day but we all had a great time!  Despite having to line up for ages for some rides, the kids (and us) really enjoyed ourselves.

Theme parks, queues and prams really don't mix well so Fanta Pants and I played tag team for a bit!  We have a pipe dream of a big Florida Disney trip when we don't need a pram any more and Baby A can really enjoy the whole thing.

The biggest downside of the day was the smoking.  People smoking everywhere.  All over their own children, all over everyone else's children.  It was gross.  Apparently Disneyland Paris is smoke free but it clearly wasn't observed and far from being enforced there were staff members whose sole job was to sweep up cigarette butts.

The smoking in France is really bad - shocking even.  Maybe it's better than it was but surely it's time they realise what they're doing to themselves...


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