Monday 2 July 2012

Dress ups!

We've just spent a lovely couple of days in Quebec City and one of the highlights for the kids was the dress up session at the Museum of Civilisation.  

This place was amazing!  There was a big room full of beautifully made fairy tale dress ups with all the accessories.  The kids were free to roam around, change outfits and then act out the story with amazing props.

The cauldron had lots of nasty ingredients like dragon wings, rats and snakes to make terrible potions.

While there were lots of princess and fairy outfits, Little Miss D was more taken with the animal costumes.  By far, Action Boy's favourite was the jousting!  This activity was so well designed and the kids had a ball.  Each jouster had to kill the six headed dragon by stabbing it in each of its six hearts and when all the hearts were extinguished, there was the roar of the crowd!

Unfortunately we didn't get to look at the rest of the museum because the power went out due to a thunderstorm!  It was a tricky situation - rain and thunder outside, no power or lights inside!  Luckily by the time we got back to our hotel the power was back!


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