Saturday 28 July 2012

Les Jeux Olympiques

Wow!  How good was the Olympic opening ceremony?!  By far the best bit for the little people in this house was when Mr Bean pressed "the fart button"!  (I'm so over toilet humour...).  I thought the lighting of the cauldron was amazing.

There has been talk of the Olympics here but nothing like the build up we're used to in Australia.  I'm not sure if it's because Canada is stronger in the winter games or as someone described to me "Quebec doesn't have a team competing!".  Having said that there is a strong medal chance in Quebecois diver Alex Despatie.

In any case we'll be watching!  We actually very lucky to be able to swap between Canadian and American coverage depending on what's better.  It's only been a day but already it's very handy going between the two.  (Being only 1.5 hours from the US border we get a lot of American TV!).  Fingers crossed we'll get to see a few Aussies compete and hopefully win some medals...


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