Thursday 5 July 2012

Je me souviens

You see the phrase je me souviens everywhere in Quebec.  Most prominently it's the slogan on car number plates.  We also saw it written in the grass at the Citadelle in Quebec City over the weekend and it means I remember.  It was explained to us by our guide that it is a reminder to people of Quebec to not forget their heritage, history and of course language.

Quebecois history is complicated to an outsider and over the past 400 years control seems to have flip flopped between the French and the English but somehow this French speaking province joined the Canadian federation but managed to keep it's language intact.

A very interesting example of the flip flopping control is the Citadelle which was a fort initially built by the French then the English took control and today it is home to the only French speaking regiment in the Canadian army.  I guess that explains the beefeater outfits!

Their mascot is a lovely white goat with gold painted ears.  This little guy was by far the highlight for Little Miss D!  Action Boy was more impressed with the weaponry and exploding canons we saw during the tour!  By chance we happened timed our visit with their annual Canada Day parade complete with marching band!


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