Monday 11 June 2012


That's right, we found a beach only 15 minutes from home!  It's really not quite the white sandy beaches we're used to but it was still water and sand and the kids had a ball.  Even Baby A!

This beach is part of a Parc-nature called Cap-Saint-Jacques on the Saint Laurence River and as such we had to pay to get in!  $26 for 6 people and parking!

Not realising we would have to pay to get in, we only planned for a quick dip but I'm sure we'll be back and we'll set up for the day.  In the lush greenery behind the bush there were lovely picnic tables, BBQs and loos.

This beach will have to do until we head south next spring.  The destinations in the running at the moment are Mexico, Cuba or somewhere in the Caribbean...


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