Wednesday 20 June 2012

Field trip

The school year is drawing to a close and that means end of year field trips.  Having live-in babysitters means that I can volunteer to help out at these kinds of things which is really nice.  (Thanks Nifty and Pearl!).

Yesterday it was Action Boy's turn so off we set in a big yellow school bus and headed to a gorgeous little hobby farm in the heart of rural Quebec.  The teacher even pointed out a one room school house along the way!

It was a hot and humid day but all the kids a ball feeding animals and having tractor rides.  There was even a camp fire to roast marshmallows!

Shame about the mosquitoes!  They are a SERIOUS problem here!  The warmer weather means you want to spend time outdoors but the minute you step outside you're attacked!  Poor Little Miss D reacts terribly and the other day her knee swelled up in a hot, red puff ball that ended up in a bruise!  Nasty.  Unfortunately they really do seem to prefer young flesh too...

Sitting around a camp fire in a very green forest feels just like the American movies I watched growing up.  This summer thing also feels just like a movie - a very long break from school, kids playing in the street, walking into the village for ice cream and registration for summer camp.  It's all very novel and fun!


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