Tuesday 5 June 2012

summer coat

Our little furry friends have well and truly shed their winter coats and are now sporting very short fur that is turning quite brown.  There are now some baby squirrels running around too.  Squirrels by nature are pretty crazy and energetic but these babies are even more so!  It doesn't appear that they've had their "what to do about humans" lesson yet either.  The babies come very close to the house and don't move out of the way of cars.  (Sadly there's a bit more road kill than normal at the moment).

This cute little guy below is by far the bravest of them all.  He doesn't run away when we're around and even ran between Fanta Pants and Action Boy kicking the footy!  He will often stop and pose for photos too!  That's my kind of squirrel!

Is he showing off his muscles?
Also in the garden at the moment are these beautiful roses.  Their perfume is just delicious.  It continues to amaze me how some of these plants manage to survive through the freezing winter to then be able to produce such delicate flowers!

Fortunately this rose plant is quite high up and not very strong so our furry friends can't attack the blooms!


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