Sunday 10 June 2012


I am still in awe at how Mother Nature has managed to bring life back to what was a barren, snow covered land.  It's truly amazing how lush and green everything has become in a relatively short period of time.

We've had some really lovely weather over the last few days and so we've taken advantage of it and heading out and about.  We took Pearl and Nifty to the lovely flea market in Hudson we'd visited before and we picked an interesting collection of goodies.  Among other things, Fanta Pants was keen on a lovely decanter, Action Boy got some lovely coat tails for dress ups and we got some maple syrup.  It's much cheaper to buy it by the tin ($6.50 for 500ml) and it's always nice to buy direct from the producer.  There are generally four flavours - light, medium, amber and dark.  The syrup in the supermarket is usually medium but the darker the colour the stronger the taste.  We have just tried amber and loved it so I was super keen to get some dark.  I'll let you know how strong the flavour really is!

After the market we headed to a lovely pub on the water - Willows Inn.  Very casual but so lovely!  It was the first weekend open for the summer and it was pumping!

I guess the weather will be good until the end of August when school goes back and until that time, it seems that people are heading outside to soak up as much warmth and vitamin D before the leaves fall.  Just like you see in American movies, there are summer jobs everywhere for the young people - as waiters, lawn mowers, summer camp leaders.  It's such a contrast to the endless summers we're used to!


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