Saturday 16 June 2012


I'm exhausted!  We've celebrated two birthdays in two days and we've still got Father's Day to go tomorrow!

Baby A celebrated his first birthday yesterday with a teddy bear's picnic and was very pleased with the cake and new toys.

Then today, we had an early party for Action Boy.  So as not to miss any friends who might be away, Canadian kids with summer birthdays usually hold the parties before school finishes.  That means there are three weekends of parties for us!

Our party went quite well but 11 little boys running riot in the backyard was a bit of a hand full - what were we thinking?  In the end it went well and everyone seemed to have a good time.

The Lego Star Wars theme worked well but maybe the pool noodle light sabres I made weren't such a great idea.  It looked so cute on Pintrest but in the hands of little boys they were just whacking sticks!!

A much better Pintrest idea was the Yodamelon!  A real winner.


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