Friday 10 February 2012


We're planning a trip to the Big Apple soon so we started to talk about it with the kids and how we'd be going on a small plane and how the ride would be short compared to what we've just done.  I was explaining that it's such a small plane there wouldn't be a television.  No TV?!?  What?!?  They were aghast!  (These kids have a disorted view of air travel due to the luxury of business class on an A380!).

They quickly realised everything would be ok because they could play on the iPhone and iPad.  An argument quickly ensued about who would get which device.  Oh dear, I guess this is a modern dilemma...

Speaking of our various electrical devices, I was carrying a glass of water up to bed the other night and spilled some on the baby video montior!!  Unfortunately this meant the end of the monitor.  Doh!  It's actually the fourth monitor we've had - what a terrible record!  So rather than spend more money on something that's destined to break/be broken I thought we should try and use some of the technology we already had.  I'd heard about iBaby so I downloaded an app for $2.99 and voilà!  Problem solved!

Baby A enjoying sleeping in his cot again...

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