Monday 20 February 2012

Out and about

Action Boy had a pupil free day so we thought we'd head downtown and meet Fanta Pants for lunch.  This was only the second time I'd been downtown (the first time I learnt about how Canadians like to queue for long periods in government agencies...).

Despite Montreal being the 7th biggest city in North America, the traffic really isn't scary like in some big cities and there was a handy parking lot under Fanta Pants' building (for the handy price of $17!!).  After struggling to find a pram friendly entrance we headed into the "underground city" for some yummy lunch and a spot of window shopping.  It's pretty amazing down there - 32km of tunnels filled with shops, food outlets and other services.  Most people down there didn't have coats on so probably went down from their office building - what a relief not to have to bundle up.

There wasn't anything photo worthy down there so here a couple of pictures of our new toys!  We went tubing again yesterday and the kids enjoyed not having to walk to get there.  They also enjoyed riding the sled down the hill!  Tubing was super duper fun - I could do that all day long!

Our other new toy is this fantastic wagon - it converts for summer and winter use.  When there's lots of snow out you can swap the tires for sleighs.  How clever is that!  Now the snow is starting to melt we'll stick to the tires.  This is how we'll be walking Action Boy to the bus stop from now on and I'm imagining lots of wagon adventures once the weather gets warmer!

I still haven't mastered photographing three children.  I can never manage to get them looking at me at the same time.  Action Boy thinks he's a rock star a la Adam Levine (you should see him in front of a full length mirror!), Little Miss D never looks at the camera and Baby A isn't sure he likes cameras...


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