Wednesday 30 May 2012

Summer rain

It rains here a lot and that's why we everything is so lush and amazingly green.
Unfortunately it rained a little too much yesterday.  It rained nearly 80mm in an hour and that meant water everywhere - in the metro tunnels, in the underground shopping malls and in basements.  Some poor people even had sewerage water coming up from toilets and basements!  Yuk!!  Luckily we escaped all that! 
Not only does it rain a lot here we get amazing thunder and lightening as well.  It booms and cracks while lighting up the night sky.  The other morning was an amazing show of nature's fury.  But before the rain and storm the air gets thick and heavy.  The humidity is quite intense but it does wonders for creating curl! 

All this rain also means there's no need to water any of the large garden.  Yippee!  It's amazing to see what pops up as it gets warmer and I was so excited when I realised what this lovely bush was.

They're peonies!  There are so many buds and I can't wait to see them open and bring them in the house.  I wonder what colour they'll be?


Monday 28 May 2012

Pool opening...

Our pool is still not open...  It seems that "opening" a pool is quite separate to make it swimmable.  What makes matters worse is the pool wasn't "closed" properly so there is a nasty layer of decomposed leaves settled on the bottom.  

Green swimming pool! Yuk!
Despite pool opening being part of our lease, we've decided to just do it ourselves so we can start swimming sooner rather than later.  So the little ones and I headed down to the pool shop to get supplies and after spending a small fortune, we got what we need to get it going.

The pool shop tested a sample of the water and apparently it's not in too bad a state after the lack lustre effort of the first pool guy so as soon as we can get the leaves off the bottom we should be close to swimming!  We will be closing this pool perfectly at the end of the season so we don't have to go through this hassle again next spring.  Apparently you should be able to whip to cover off, skim the surface, give it a quick shock and then you're swimming...  if only!?


Sunday 27 May 2012


There is a lot of anticipation and preparation for the bulb season but beautiful as they are they certainly don't last very long.  (Just ask our friends who drove to Ottawa for the last weekend of the Tulip festival and ended up seeing a city full of stalks!).

Luckily for those who like flowers and colour in such a cold climate there are hanging baskets!  The winter is so cold and harsh here that not a lot of delicate flowers can survive year to year so instead garden centres pop up all over the place.

This pop up flower market is in our village and is just amazing.  The choice of annuals, herbs and potted colour was mind blowing - it was actually difficult to decide which ones to choose!

In the end I chose two pink and purple fuchsias to try and brighten our very stark front porch.  I think this will be the extent of our gardening effort this spring/summer but I am quite keen to plant lots of bulbs for next year.  Maybe I could cut a deal with my squirrels so they don't dig them up?  Ply them with nuts and grapes to keep the tulips and daffodils safe?!?


Another beautiful Sunday, another lazy Sunday lunch with friends.  Today's dessert was a classic trifle...

Friday 25 May 2012


Some of the citizens of Montreal are getting kind of mad.  They're all mad at the gouvernment, some because the government has let the strike go on so long and they're not happy with the mess that has been created.  Some are mad about the actual tution hikes and some are mad about the new law - Loi 78 - that was enacted to help stop the protests and get some students back to class while suspending the semester for others.
To vent their frustration people have taken to the streets and have started banging on pots and pans!  Apparently this type of demonstration began in Argentina during the time of Pinochet and people protest outside their homes within their own communities.  You can notice from the photos that it's a real family affair!  Action Boy thought this was hilarious when I told him about it.  Again, I'm pretty glad that we don't live closer to the city!!
The new Loi 78 was supposed to bring back some order to the city but unfortunately it has had the complete opposite effect and has brought more people to the streets!  On Wednesday night there were over 500 arrests!  Also this new law is set to be challenged in the courts with over 70 student organisations, environmental groups and unions joining together to try and have it reversed.

I just wish they would start protesting about the availability of family doctors!!  I most certainly would hit the streets with the double pram and my scanpans for that!!!

Meanwhile in the suburbs, all I can hear is the tweeting of birds, the roar of lawn mowers and the UPS man ringing the doorbell...


Wednesday 23 May 2012

100 days
Yesterday marked 100 days of the student protests here in Montreal.  It's really quite amazing that it has gone on for so long and neither side is willing to back down and after so long it would be a terrible loss of face to do so.  There has been a massive toll to the city and the province of Quebec - businesses down town are suffering with people not heading out - especially at night, bad rush hour traffic has become unpredictable and insane, vandalism, serious injury to police and protesters and the Education Minister resigned.  There are now great concerns for the summer festivals that Montreal is famous for.

I'm sure glad we don't live closer to the city as the disruptions and night marches have become downright scary.

In the end only about 30% of students are still on strike but of those who aren't some have to had to take court injunctions to be able to get back into class and even then protesting blockades didn't allow them through.  To try and calm things down the city brought in a law to ban wearing masks during protests and the provincial government created a new law limiting the right to congregate and protest without major limitations.  Of course this went down like a lead balloon and yesterday around 150,000 people came out to mark 100 days and vent their anger about the new laws.
There are serious calls for free higher education and if you pay around 51% income tax I can see why you'd feel entitled.  Everyone is waiting for the tipping point because surely this can't go on for much longer...

Monday 21 May 2012

Lazy long weekend

We decided to stay put this long weekend instead of "touring" and I'm glad we did.  The weather has been amazing and we've spent a lot of time outside.  Having an extra day meant that we could get through a few odd jobs as well.  Something that has been languishing on my to do list is sewing.

So Fanta Pants took the kids to the park and then for some ice cream in the village and I descended in to our dungeon to make a few things.  Thank you!!

I've been wanting to make some cushions for a while and the end result was certainly worth the wait!

Pattern tutorial from 
I'm very pleased with how it turned out and I'll try to make another one during the week.  I was also very pleased that the massive transformer box that enables the thermomix to perform also worked for the sewing machine.  (We're kind of sick of endlessly buying things we want/need here but won't be able to use at home.)

It was a breeze sewing in the dungeon as I could spread out and have everything I needed at close by.  Basements are a fantastic idea and an excellent use of space.  I've seen a couple of really excellent examples with full guest suites, playrooms and bathrooms.  Unfortunately while ours is big it's not very pretty.  The carpet is old and yuck and there lots of exposed pipes and there are even full tree trunk beams complete with bark!?!  I think this unmodernised basement is one of the reasons why we can afford to live here so I can't complain!


Sunday 20 May 2012

Long weekend

How do you spend a lazy Sunday on a long weekend when the weather looks like this?

Yes that's right - positively hot and sweaty!  It was amazingly beautiful so we spent it under one of our enormous trees having lunch with some friends.

What's a Sunday lunch with out a pav?  Lamonts eat your heart out!!

The kids played, ran and jumped and got very sweaty.  It's a real shame the pool isn't ready yet but this pool opening business isn't easy with a non commital landlord and an elusive pool man...

Even the squirrels look hot!  I plan on enjoying every minute I can in our gorgeous yard enjoying this beautiful summer weather!


Friday 18 May 2012

Pool weather

Yes, I think it's almost pool weather!  It's forecast to be 30 degrees on Monday which works out beautifully as Monday is a public holiday.  (In another chapter of the Quebec v Canada saga it's Victoria Day in the rest of Canada and Patriots Day here...)

Unfortunately our pool isn't close to being swimmable.  "Opening the pool" is a big deal here and it's supposed to be part of our lease.  The pool guys came the other day and threw in some chemicals but didn't do anything about the year's worth of leaves on the bottom of the pool...  My French is pretty good but I've never really used pool maintenance French before and I think the only thing I really understood was backwash until you see the bottom.  Somehow I don't think all the backwashing in the world is going to fix this situation!!

All this beautiful weather also means registering for summer holiday activities.  This "registering" for activities business is pretty cut throat here and miss it the hour they become available and you miss out!  So in the next few weeks I'll be lining up at the library and the local community pool.  It'll be worthwhile as there are some excellent activities on offer like a Lego club and outdoor swimming lessons!!

Our library seems pretty good and has a massive children's section.  It's pretty old school but there are a lot of resources and in two languages!

Baby has always loved books and today I think he tried to say "book"!  We were all busy choosing books and he was sitting in the stroller saying "B! B! B!"  I could hardly believe it!  He was very pleased to get one of his own to read.


Tuesday 15 May 2012


Everyone talks about how beautiful the four seasons are here in Montreal and the two we've seen have been amazing.  It's incredible how markedly different the weather is and of course the changes in weather mean massive changes in the environment.

All the rain and warm but mild weather mean everything is so green and lush.  There are flowers blooming and the trees really look amazing and I can tell there is still more to come!

Who would have thought soil would be this interesting!  I'm still in awe at it's moisture and density although it does make for dirty children!

While all this seasonal business is truly beautiful it's also an expensive exercise with three children.  We've been here four months and in that time we've had a 53 degree change in temperature from lows of minus 25 to highs of 28 degrees!  This means lots of new footwear and outerwear!  Serious cold weather boots and coats, rain boots, rain coats, spring shoes and now summer sandals!  Plus these little people grow so quickly I'm not confident that the spring shoes will make it to be fall shoes!

I've tried to fudge it a bit but the seasons really are so different that you need to cater for them or you'll be left cold and wet or hot and sweaty!  Little Miss D has had a massive growth spurt and clothes she was wearing before we left are really very small now - think plummer's crack shorts!  I guess there is an up side to all of this - cute new clothes!  I'm planning to dust off the sewing machine to make a few dresses and skirts and I'm really looking forward to these Salt Water sandals arriving!  (I'm still shopping away online!  While I was waiting at the bus stop yesterday the UPS man waved as he drove past!  He's a regular here!!)

Sunday 13 May 2012

Tourist where you live

We have had a crazy but excellent weekend and have spent a lot of it being tourists.  Yesterday we headed 40 minutes off island to a beautiful little village called Hudson where we found a fantastic flea market.

The weather was beautiful and there were many goodies to be found!  Lots of old furniture, toys and household bits and pieces as well as some fresh produce and hand made items.

It was truly a day for thrifting as my friend had called me early in the morning to tell me about a baby carrier she found at a garage sale as she knew we were keen to get one.  I was very pleased to pick it up for half the retail price and it looks brand new!  So Baby A and Fanta Pants tried it out and everyone was pleased with it!

Action Boy was pleased with his new toys too!  We also picked up some finishing touches for the guest room - more on that later.  We had a really lovely afternoon and will definitely be back before the summer is out!

Today was another beautiful day and we headed into the old part of Montreal for a late Mother's Day lunch and some sight seeing.  This is the first time we've headed into town to do some real "touristy" things and it was super fun!

We started with a lovely lunch at a tasty French restaurant where we didn't need to see the menu when we saw the specials.  Alsace style sauerkraut for Fanta Pants and duck with cranberries for me.  Yum!!

You have to watch carefully when children dress themselves - why would you need winter boots when it's 25 and sunny?
Canadians of a certain age are very keen on BIG motorbikes and some even like to decorate them with dead animals!  The children thought he had a pet fox - we didn't tell them he had probably shot or run over this one!!

This part of the city is very European looking with beautiful old buildings, cobbled streets and lovely boutiques, galleries and restaurants.  We only scratched the surface of what's on offer here but we will definitely be back to discover more.


Saturday 12 May 2012

Lazy afternoons

Don't you just love an easy play date?  One where the weather is great so the kids can play and eat outside, all the kids get along and you really enjoy the company of the other mum.  We had been planning a pizza dinner from the excellent local pizzeria so we just kept the playdate going when the dads got home from work.

It is so lovely to be able to be outside without many layers of clothes and to have new friends to enjoy it with!


ps - Day light saving is a winner!!

Friday 11 May 2012

Yesterday I was feeling very sorry for all the cute furry creatures that don't cope well in this urbane environment.  Well this morning I was reminded that some furry creatures cope very well indeed!

I made chicken soup the other day from scratch and because it's still cool enough I put the whole carcass in the bin.  Mistake #1.

Mistake #2 was not putting the occy strap on the bin lid.  Our raccoon got in the bin and pulled the chicken carcass out.  How on earth?  Then he ate the whole thing and left only a few bones!  While cleaning it up was gross, I am very impressed with his dexterity.  I can wait to see him one day!  In the meantime, we need to get that occy strap back on ASAP!


ps - if you're wondering what those red round things on sticks are - they are snow ball makers!  They make beautifully round snow balls, perfect for throwing!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Road kill

Don't worry - no gross pictures for this one!

Spring brings out lots of lovely furry and feathered creatures, however not all are well suited to an urban environment and crazy Quebecois drivers.  (honking, speeding, using mobile phones and tail gating are mandatory here).

This morning I smelt, then saw a squashed skunk and this afternoon it was a poor little fisher like the one below.  This place is rough for wildlife!
Luckily our backyard is a little sanctuary for a variety of creatures but some of them are very hard to capture on film.  (Somewhat like children...)  We occasionally see a few of these beauties...  They're called Cardinals and sing beautifully.
We have quite a few of these birds - imaginatively called Red Winged Black birds!  They really look amazing when they spread their wings.

Wednesday 9 May 2012


It rains here A. LOT.  Crazy rain that comes down non stop sometimes for days at time.  It's rain without storms.  Just constant chubby rain.

Now all this rain might sound depressing but outside everything is amazingly green and flowers are popping up everywhere (if they don't get eaten by our furry friends first!).  Nearly all the trees have leaves and we're getting some privacy in the backyard!

All this rain means cute accessories too.  Lots of layers.  Cute trench coats, light scarves and fun gum boots!


Tuesday 8 May 2012

Carbon paper

I went to visit my Australian friend and her new baby yesterday in the ritzy suburb of Westmount (think Celine Dion).  I obviously didn't read the parking signs well enough and I got a parking fine (I was distracted - two kids, bag, present, freshly baked slice etc).

Anyway I didn't realise until we got home and I saw a massive wad of paper under the windscreen wiper.

It took a while to figure out what it was and I had to flick through several pages including two pages of carbon paper to find out it was a parking ticket!!!

Then the infringement is hand written!  Are you serious?  To me this sums us the OTT bureaucracy of Quebec.  Lots of unnecessary paper shuffling...

But to make it truly Quebec, there is a large section on the back for you to dispute the ticket!


Sunday 6 May 2012


On a beautiful spring day we did a little touring.  (A lovely English friend here seriously asked me if we had any touring planned!)  We headed about two hours east, over the border into Ontario and ended up in the capitol of Canada - Ottawa.

This is the first I've seen of Canada outside of Quebec and it certainly is different!  Ontario appears far more prosperous and the results of that prosperity make the differences very tangible...

Ottawa is celebrating spring with a Tulip festival with beautiful flowers popping up all over the city.

It really is a beautiful city set on the river with lovely canals and amazing old buildings.  We will definitely be back to discover more.

We really enjoyed wondering around in the sunshine and eating lunch alfresco.  20 degrees must be the official temperature for Canadians to wear flip flops and shorts.  There were also several who were so hot they had to take their tops off (I see a pattern emerging...).  This is beginning to make me think that it's not going to get as hot as people keep telling me!

While we were in Ottawa we also had a good look around the Canadian Museum of Nature.  While not massive, it is the best museum I've ever been to.  This is definitely a case of quality over quantity and the facilities were amazing.  It's housed in an gorgeous old building that has been completely gutted and refitted to provide excellent services and beautiful exhibition areas.  

We investigated dinosaurs, mammals and of course minerals.  We probably saw around a third of what was on offer but tired legs and a long drive meant we had to go.  It was an excellent day out and we're looking forward to heading back that way soon.

Still trying for that elusive "perfect" photo of all three kids...
