Sunday 13 May 2012

Tourist where you live

We have had a crazy but excellent weekend and have spent a lot of it being tourists.  Yesterday we headed 40 minutes off island to a beautiful little village called Hudson where we found a fantastic flea market.

The weather was beautiful and there were many goodies to be found!  Lots of old furniture, toys and household bits and pieces as well as some fresh produce and hand made items.

It was truly a day for thrifting as my friend had called me early in the morning to tell me about a baby carrier she found at a garage sale as she knew we were keen to get one.  I was very pleased to pick it up for half the retail price and it looks brand new!  So Baby A and Fanta Pants tried it out and everyone was pleased with it!

Action Boy was pleased with his new toys too!  We also picked up some finishing touches for the guest room - more on that later.  We had a really lovely afternoon and will definitely be back before the summer is out!

Today was another beautiful day and we headed into the old part of Montreal for a late Mother's Day lunch and some sight seeing.  This is the first time we've headed into town to do some real "touristy" things and it was super fun!

We started with a lovely lunch at a tasty French restaurant where we didn't need to see the menu when we saw the specials.  Alsace style sauerkraut for Fanta Pants and duck with cranberries for me.  Yum!!

You have to watch carefully when children dress themselves - why would you need winter boots when it's 25 and sunny?
Canadians of a certain age are very keen on BIG motorbikes and some even like to decorate them with dead animals!  The children thought he had a pet fox - we didn't tell them he had probably shot or run over this one!!

This part of the city is very European looking with beautiful old buildings, cobbled streets and lovely boutiques, galleries and restaurants.  We only scratched the surface of what's on offer here but we will definitely be back to discover more.


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