Monday 28 May 2012

Pool opening...

Our pool is still not open...  It seems that "opening" a pool is quite separate to make it swimmable.  What makes matters worse is the pool wasn't "closed" properly so there is a nasty layer of decomposed leaves settled on the bottom.  

Green swimming pool! Yuk!
Despite pool opening being part of our lease, we've decided to just do it ourselves so we can start swimming sooner rather than later.  So the little ones and I headed down to the pool shop to get supplies and after spending a small fortune, we got what we need to get it going.

The pool shop tested a sample of the water and apparently it's not in too bad a state after the lack lustre effort of the first pool guy so as soon as we can get the leaves off the bottom we should be close to swimming!  We will be closing this pool perfectly at the end of the season so we don't have to go through this hassle again next spring.  Apparently you should be able to whip to cover off, skim the surface, give it a quick shock and then you're swimming...  if only!?


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