Sunday 6 May 2012


On a beautiful spring day we did a little touring.  (A lovely English friend here seriously asked me if we had any touring planned!)  We headed about two hours east, over the border into Ontario and ended up in the capitol of Canada - Ottawa.

This is the first I've seen of Canada outside of Quebec and it certainly is different!  Ontario appears far more prosperous and the results of that prosperity make the differences very tangible...

Ottawa is celebrating spring with a Tulip festival with beautiful flowers popping up all over the city.

It really is a beautiful city set on the river with lovely canals and amazing old buildings.  We will definitely be back to discover more.

We really enjoyed wondering around in the sunshine and eating lunch alfresco.  20 degrees must be the official temperature for Canadians to wear flip flops and shorts.  There were also several who were so hot they had to take their tops off (I see a pattern emerging...).  This is beginning to make me think that it's not going to get as hot as people keep telling me!

While we were in Ottawa we also had a good look around the Canadian Museum of Nature.  While not massive, it is the best museum I've ever been to.  This is definitely a case of quality over quantity and the facilities were amazing.  It's housed in an gorgeous old building that has been completely gutted and refitted to provide excellent services and beautiful exhibition areas.  

We investigated dinosaurs, mammals and of course minerals.  We probably saw around a third of what was on offer but tired legs and a long drive meant we had to go.  It was an excellent day out and we're looking forward to heading back that way soon.

Still trying for that elusive "perfect" photo of all three kids...


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