Wednesday 8 August 2012


It gets hot, steamy and sticky here!  Before coming here we were so caught up in the fact that it would regularly be as cold as minus 20 degrees that we didn't realise how stinky hot it gets as well.  I must admit I have been shocked at how hot it can be.

Fortunately we have the pool and on a super sticky day it's actually much nicer to sit under a tree than in the unair-conditioned house.  (Who knew we'd need aircon?!).  We're used to a dry, take your breath away kind of heat but here the air gets thick and sticky.  It's very tropical!  The big advantage to this kind of heat is every couple of days a big thunder storm blows in to clear the heat away and water the lush gardens.  It's amazing to see it build up then explode!

The big disadvantage to high humidity is mould.  Anywhere there is moisture sitting around it grows eg in the water filter and laundry basket!  Eew!  The basement is also a haven for it and we realised we needed to turn on the "de-humidifier".  (We knew it was there but didn't really know what it did but thanks to Google we realised it could be quite useful!).

This thing is ugly and a bit noisy but it does an amazing job of sucking moisture (and future mould) out of the air.  The bucket holds around four litres and needs to be emptied daily!  I was astounded that so much excess water was hanging around!  It really "feels" less damp in the basement and I'm sure that's much healthier!  


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