Wednesday 15 August 2012


I've written lots about our furry friends who live in our garden.  We've become quite fond of all of them and have even named a few.  We call the mama racoon Elizabeth as her facial markings remind me of Elizabeth Taylor's eye makeup when she played Cleopatra.  One of the squirrels also has very distinctive eyes which makes him easy to recognise so we call him Nutty.

Last night we managed to see Elizabeth's babies up close!  She wasn't around so I'm guessing she was off looking for food and they were waiting for her.

We had thought that our raccoon family lived across the street in the storm water drain and would cross the road but last night we found out that they probably cross under the street and come out this hole at the bottom of our driveway.  I had always wondered why the grate was always off, even when the ground was covered in snow and now I know!  These little critters keep the passage clear!

There seem to be two babies in this family!

Now here is our dilemma.  Considering the fact this family lives the the end of our driveway and by law they can't be moved, do we leave food for them at their home in the drain hoping that will stop them raiding our garbage bin and making a big mess?  Raccoons are amazingly dexterous and so even bin locks don't deter them for long.  I'm really in two minds about this...


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