Tuesday 14 August 2012

End of summer...

I know it's only the middle of August but it really feels like summer is coming to an end...  There are a few key pointers that are making me think "Fall" is just around the corner.  (Fanta Pants is already ruing the leaves that will soon need picking up!).

Firstly, the weather is a bit hit and miss but it has generally been less humid in the last week or so.  Then there are only two more days of swimming lessons left, school goes back in two weeks, we bought Little Miss D's "inside" school shoes and I've just started negotiations with Action Boy about a back-to-school haircut (he's pretty keen to let it grow!).  We've ordered the school supplies and I just got the email reminder about registration for Fall activities for the kids!  (We're going all out with skating and ice hockey this year!).

Before the summer started I thought I'd be tearing my hair out with all three kids home together for nine and a half weeks but I'm surprised and pleased to say I've actually really enjoyed it!  VIP visitors and our trip to France broke things up nicely but since we've been back we've all really enjoyed swimming lessons then lazing in and by the pool.  Playdates are at our place in the pool and we've thrown the routine out the window.  The kids have gone a bit "free range" with a fair bit of nudey swimming and nature pees going on.  It has been a truly great summer and we look forward to doing it all again next year...

In the meantime we're going to eek out every last bit of this season while looking forward to all the fun things Fall has to bring...


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