Saturday 17 March 2012


Food in Montreal is generally pretty good.  There's a pretty good variety at the supermarket and while you can't get some of the things you'd like, there are other really good alternatives.  In our village there are several really good restaurants that we'd like to try and we have been to our bakery a few times already!  Amazing maison pastries and great bread.

Today we ventured down town for some Dim Sum.  (We love Dim Sum in our house!).  Chinatown was kind of dumpy but the Dim Sum was good - very busy and trolleys full of food whizzing past.  Montreal has a large population for a small surface area so there is always a dynamic feeling.

Luckily Baby A was pretty tired and slept right through it...

While we were in the city we thought we'd check out a real Montreal tradition - bagels!  My Australian friend bought me some when we first arrived and I've been keen to check them out ever since.  This shop is located in Mille End which is very gritty in a über cool urbain way. 

That's a lot of flour...
This shop is legendary and the bagels amazing!  They even ship the bagels to the US...

The bagels come plain or with toppings and are incredible.  I've always been a fan of bagels but those bought at the supermarket have nothing on these.  Conveniently you can also buy smoked salmon and cream cheese in the shop.  I'm sure we'll be back!


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