Tuesday 13 March 2012

You say tomato...

I say tomato.  While tomato is always written the same in English, depending on where you are, it's not always pronounced the same.  I almost fell off my chair the other night when Action Boy said tomayto with a long North American "a" sound!

Action Boy will most definitely have the most "Canadian" experience because of school.  With the help of his friends and teachers, his accent is changing.  Many of his vowel sounds are significantly changed, particularly the "o" sounds.  He is also picking up the local lingo such as tuque (beanie).

O Canada!  What's happening to my accent? Eh?
Even his French has a Quebecer accent.  It's so cute!  From what I've seen it's mainly the vowel sounds and some vocab that is different to the French I know.  I wish I could speak more French around here.  I listen to the radio and watch TV but most people around here are very English speaking.  The rules about which language you could do your schooling in changed in the 80s so the young people around here seem to be beautifully bilingual.  They swap between languages effortlessly.  From what I understand that bilingualism doesn't spread through out Quebec with some French speakers having little or no English.


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