Friday 16 March 2012

Report cards...

Yesterday must have been the official Canadian report card day because Action Boy and Little Miss D both got their school report cards plus they got their swimming report cards too.

I'm super proud of them both!  It seems they have both settled in well to their respective school environments and are participating and learning well.  Little Miss D needs to work on her scissor skills (I think this has something to do with the fact she is left handed but they don't have left handed scissors...).  Action Boy got an "A" grade for "relating to others" which is no surprise to us because he's just like loveable Labrador puppy - happy to chat to anyone and makes friends anywhere.  I was relieved to see that his French teacher is happy with his progress and that despite being a bit behind the others, he's doing ok.

Swimming is by far their favourite activity and that was evident on the report cards too.  Apparently Action Boy is an awesome swimmer and Little Miss D needs to remember to use her arms (I think that's code for not hang on to the teacher's swim suit!).

Baby A is progressing well though I can definitely notice his prematurity compared to the other two.  At nine months he's just starting to sit by himself and is not too bad at the commando crawl but is a fair way off proper crawling.  I'm just not used to a stay put baby - Action Boy was on the cusp of walking at this age!  I'm not complaining though!!

My report card includes squeezing into a smaller pair of jeans!  Yippee!  A fair way to go but we're making progress!

The relocation agent dropped by this morning to check up on us so I gave her a bit of a report card too!  While we were discussing the intricacies of the health care system, Little Miss D became very quiet.  This is what I found...

Poor thing wasn't enjoying all this grown up chat so took herself off for a nap, in her big brother's bed!


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