Saturday 14 April 2012

50 bucks

We went adventuring today.  All the way to the western most point of the Montreal island.  We found a cute little village to have lunch in overlooking the water and had a stroll along the board walk.  I bet this place gets busy in the warmer months.

"I'll chase you to the end of the island!"
I had been told that this little village also had a fantastic thrift shop and it certainly didn't disappoint.  For $50 I picked up some little gems!

I've been looking for some pink to go with my very blue colour scheme and this vase was only $5!

Little Miss D has far too many soft toys and they generally all sleep with her and I've been trying to find a solution to get them out of her bed but still be accessible for playing with and for $30 I found it.

All this cute little swinging bassinette needs now is a lick of pink paint and it'll be perfect!  Thankfully Little Miss D was very enthusiastic about showing her babies their new home...

My last purchase was this cute sparkly little knitting bag to transport my knitting projects to class.  Shopping bags just weren't cutting it any more...

Little Miss D is very fond of this bag but isn't it interesting how a 3 year chooses to model a bag?

We made a quick dash to the local kids shop to pick up some super cute shoes this morning.  Little Miss D had to wear her slippers to the shop because her boots were still wet!

We took the long way home around the top of the island and discovered some massive, Celine Dion type houses looking over the water.  It was a lovely drive and I think we'll do it again once the leaves appear and I'm sure it'll look entirely different.


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