Sunday 22 April 2012


It's official - we have acclimatised to the weather.  It may have rained and only got to 7 degrees this weekend but it stop us going outside and preparing for spring.  Fanta Pants and Action Boy even went fishing!

But the real highlight of the weekend was putting together the new trampoline.  Massive yard means we can have massive trampoline!!

I can see hours of fun happening here as the weather gets better!  

Also outside this weekend were our friends the squirrels.  There were some turf wars with some recently arrived birds but it appears the squirrels have won that battle.  It must be because they are so well fed!  This little furry creature has some bread... I have a feeling that the neighbour leaves bread out for them...

Crazy eyes!  I tried to fix it but red eye correction doesn't work on squirrels...
Ooops!  All these photos frightened the poor little thing!  He better get used to noise and little people in the back yard...


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