Sunday 15 April 2012

Agent of change

Dear Canada

You have a really lovely country.  Maple syrup is delicious, the scenery is beautiful, the people are friendly and polite and the wildlife is fantastic.  Who wouldn't love to have the polar bear as their national emblem.  You also have excellent natural resources, especially water.

The rest of the world, Australia in particular, has some amazing products and technical facilities that would really benefit your people.  I know I've written to you before about the family doctor situation and I feel that even I am unable to help you in that area.  However, we could start small and I could be your agent of change representing Australia and some of the useful things it has to offer.

For example we have this amazing product called pre rolled puff pastry.  It comes in frozen sheets but defrosts quickly to be used pretty much instantly.  Slabs of puff pastry that require at least five hours of thawing then need to be rolled aren't that user friendly...

Secondly, what's with the one cent coin?  Also why is the five cent coin bigger than the 10 cent coin?  Speaking of money and banking, what's with cheques?!?!  There are modern banking methods that are less cumbersome and less open to fraud...  for example BPAY and "pay anyone"...

Next on my list, is the round about.  In three months here I haven't seen one here and have been told there may only be two in the whole of Quebec.  Four way stop signs really rely on the Canadian driver being courteous and observant.  So far, so good...

Some other oddities that could use improving include cable TV services, mobile phone coverage and associated costs.  Finally who thought scheduling 6 year old soccer at 7pm on a Thursday night was a good idea?

Oh Canada, I'm ready, I'm willing - you could be great.  Relax and modernize!  You really could be the country the rest of the world already thinks you are!!

Lots of love
Mama Bear

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