Monday 16 April 2012


It's unseasonably warm 25 degrees today - about 10 above average and although it's supposed to rain later, I'm really enjoying having the windows open.  The fresh air is beautiful and the birds are singing!

In this beautiful weather Baby A and I took a tour of the garden.  Yes, it really is big enough to tour!

Fanta Pants has done a great job raking up countless bags of leaves that weren't picked up last Fall but we've realised we need some help with the spring clean up which is called "opening the garden"!  Since the snow has melted, we have been amazed by what has popped up in the garden.  In the last few days these beauties have appeared!

Green is appearing everywhere and it's just gorgeous.  I think this cute purple flower is a weed as I've seen whole lawns covered in it.  There are many plants that looked seriously dead but are now turning green and budding.  I can't wait for the trees to get their leaves.

Our friends the squirrels have been "active" in the garden opening too...

Apparently they bury hundreds of food titbits where ever they can and then when the snow melts they go and dig them up.  This is what it looks like when they've finished digging!

They've pretty much dug up the entire back lawn!  I'm not sure how they're going to like the trampoline that's arriving at the end of the week...


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