Monday 9 April 2012

We're baaack!

Very sorry for not posting for a few days.  You see we've been super busy - in NYC!!!  OMG!  Totes amazeballs!  We all had such an incredible time and we definitely can't wait to go back while we're still in Canada.

The kids are becoming seasoned travellers and are quite used to the process of airports and hotel rooms which means things happen quite smoothly.  Having a 55 minute flight on the tiniest plane I've ever been on is quite a novelty too.
There were only 39 seats and no in flight entertainment...

Travelling with three little people means that you lug around a lot of stuff (eg double prams and travel cots), you move slowly and stop a lot.  However we still managed to see and do so many amazing things - celebrate Fanta Pants' birthday, Central Park, Time Square, American Museum of Natural History, Bryant Park, Staten Island Ferry, a Broadway show and of course a spot of shopping...

We were so lucky with fantastic spring weather.  Every day was warmer than expected and full of sunshine - Fanta Pants even got sun burnt!  (Luckily it was quite a mild northern hemisphere sun burn rather than a scorching Australian burn!).  I'm sure New York is beautiful in any weather but spring time in New York was stunning.  There were colourful bulbs everywhere and the trees were blossoming.

Bryant Park
Bowling Green

Poor Baby A's routine was totally turned on its head but he got into the swing of it and began sleeping quite well on the go in the pram or baby bijorn.  The big kids quickly tuned into the New York's energy and had an absolute blast.  This city suits Little Miss D to a tee - she has come home a new girl!

Many of you will have heard me speak of my amazing friend who lives in New York (we'll call her Aunty Red #1).  Well it was an absolute treat to have her show us her adopted city and spend lots of time with her and her gorgeous fiancée (we'll call her Aunty Red #2).

Central Park
I'll be back tomorrow with more of our amazing trip!


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